Sunday, February 17, 2019

PAiA 8700 Schematic Redraw

The PAiA 8700 computer is an optional part for the PAiA 4700 modular system. It gives you the ability to run software like a "pink music" generator.

I took interest in it because it combines my favorite CPU, the 6502 (6503 here), and analog synthesis. It's pretty hard to find one these days, but PAiA published the schematics and they're still available. I needed them in Eagle CAD format to be able to work on them, so I redrew them here. In the process, I like to think I've improved the clarity and layout of the schematic.
The board is as close a reproduction as I could manage.

I've also typed out the original assembly source file and assembled binary.

Files available on my github

Also, a memory map. Why not?

I was able to find some NOS and begin assembling a brand new 8700 reproduction. More to come.